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MEXTemplate is a XCode Project Template for creating MEX files. To use it drop the MEXTemplate folder in ~/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Project Templates. It should show up in the dialog if you choose File -> New Project... The created project allows you to build and debug MEX files and is setup according to: http://www.mathworks.com/support/solutions/data/1-3U6RYL.html?solution=1-3U6RYL


First download the zip. Unzip the file in ~/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Project Templates for personal installation or /Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Project Templates for system wide installation. Should the file already be unzipped make sure you move the folder "MEXTemplate" to the specified folder and not just the contents.


Matlab versions:

Until I figure out how to find matlab automagically, you need too check/change the path at serveral places. For building you have to change the setting "MATLABROOT" of your target to your matlab path. You can find this path by typing `matlabroot' on your matlab command prompt. For the debugging part you need to check/change the settings for the executable "MATLAB". Replace "/Applications/MATLAB_R2008a" to your matlab root path. Yes that is a few copy-pastes...


First check whether the project settings match those specified on http://www.mathworks.com/support/solutions/data/1-3U6RYL.html?solution=1-3U6RYL. If that doesn't solve the problem mail me with as much information as possible!


Basically none, feel free to do whatever you want with it. I do however appreciate a link to the project (http://www.krijnders.net/personal/computer/MEXTemplate) on your project side and a mail mentioning you use it.


0.1 First release


XcodeTemplateFactory The software used in the conversion from a normal project to a xcode project template.

Several blogs/sites about making xcode project templates: